Building a garage is a big project, and many families build them for various reasons. Before you begin crafting a budget or figuring out the cost, you have to first understand why you want to build a garage in the first place.
Let’s dive into some of the common reasons why you should add a garage addition to your home improvement list. A garage addition can be used to:
- Store extra cars, ATVs, boats, or RVs
- Give you a place to workout
- Create a home office space
- And more!
Now that you’ve seen some of the different ways you can use a garage addition, it’s time to explore a few factors that may affect the cost of building a garage in Pennsylvania.
Factors That Affect Garage Addition Cost in Pennsylvania
Asking someone how much it costs to add a garage to your home is a tough question to answer. After all, there are so many variables that go into it — square footage, attached vs detached, and more.
Your garage addition cost may be impacted by the following factors:
- Your desired square feet
- Type of construction
- Type of roofing
- Type of door
- Insulation
- Electrical wiring
- Plumbing
If there is one pattern we’ve recognized time and time again when it comes to cost it’s this: The more specific you are with your requirements, the easier it will be to narrow down your choices and find something that works for you and falls within budget.
Cost of Detached Garages vs Attached Garages
Whether you want a 2-car garage or something bigger, building an attached garage is typically a much easier project. Most home remodeling contractors offer this service and can even have the garage look like a natural extension of your house.
The average cost of adding an attached garage ranges from $35,000 to $85,000. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. For instance, if you have a large home with a beautiful stone façade, and you want a garage that matches that and holds more than two cars, you can expect the price to be upward of $100,000.
On the flip side, adding a detached garage typically has a much higher price range due to the additional structural requirements and a longer project timeline.
How to Plan for Your Garage Addition Cost
The process of adding a garage to your home is very similar to a home addition. Below, learn more about the steps involved in budgeting for a garage addition.
1. Prepare for the Project
The team needs to prepare the site for the project. This typically includes any demo work, tree removal, or preparing the ground for the addition.
2. Pour Concrete
Once the ground is prepared, your team of remodeling contractors can pour concrete. The price of concrete changes about as often as the weather in Pennsylvania.
3. Decide on Roofing
The next component in your estimate is the roof trusses and the support beam system that will bring your house and the garage together. There will be a varying cost of lumber here depending on the size of your project.
Once everything is all laid out and a support system is in place, it’s time to take a look at the roof. Shingles vary in cost, but you can expect the roof to eat up a healthy portion of the budget for your garage addition due to the cost of the product and labor.
4. Pick Out Other Garage Necessities
As the garage continues to come together, be sure to account for the cost of at least a few windows, any entryway doors, and certainly a few light fixtures. You’ll also need to choose the garage door itself. Deciding on a garage door can make or break your budget. Door finishes, hardware, and features like windows can cause the price to climb.
Like anything else in the renovation world, you can pay as much as you want or as little as you want — but you’re going to get what you pay for.
5. Ensure a Proper Electrical Set-Up
One final thing to consider before signing off on your project is ensuring you have a proper electrical setup that meets your municipality’s code. More and more people are opting for the silent garage door opener, as well as using their garages for more than just storing cars. That's why it's super important to make sure everything is up to code.
6. Consider a Heating System
Speaking of using your garage for more than just storing cars and other items, people often choose to go with a nicer finish on the floors and ceilings or even the walls. These days, there really isn’t that big of a difference between a garage and a finished basement.
If you’re spending a lot of time in your garage, and you’re in a climate as unpredictable as Pennsylvania’s, then the last thing you might add is a heating system.
Create Your Garage Home Addition Budget

Deciding to add a garage to your home is a big project and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s important to do some research before even talking with a contractor.
We recommend figuring out your budget and then working your way backward to plan the living space or storage space that functions for your home and fits your budget.
Check out our budgeting guide for home remodels to learn how to create and stick to your budget.